Here you can see the ongoing projects on different issues of animal welfare in our network organisations.
Small Ruminant Technologies
Small Ruminant Technologies (Sm@rt) is a thematic network which aims to develop a long-term, self-sustainable European/International network to encourage the use of PLF and digital technologies across the small ruminant sector. The project aims to improve understanding, awareness and uptake of the different technologies currently available to the small ruminant sector and further to facilitate "solutions to needs" and identification of technology gaps.
Lifting Farm Animal Lives
Lifting Farm Animal Lives (LIFT) is a COST Action project which gives background to include positive welfare in farm animal welfare assessment. Its aims are to define positive animal welfare and clarify its concepts, identify valid approaches to assess positive animal welfare and to select methods suitable for on-farm use and provide recommendations for the inclusion of aspects of positive welfare in farm animal welfare assessment schemes.
Sustainable Adaptation of Livestock Production to Climate Change
Sustainable Adaptation of Livestock Production to Climate Change (LIVECLIC) is related to environment and effort to mitigate against climate change. The aim of the project is to develop training courses for farmers, members of cooperative associations and for food business operators in order to raise their awareness of the necessity of planning for sustainable growth. And to strengthen the competences of specific professionals in the agri-food sector. Consumer organizations are targeted also as one of the project aim is to enable behavioural changes for individual preferences, and changes in consumption habits and lifestyles including aspects such as reduction of food waste.
HAnimiSPAC; Happy ANIMals for Sustainable Production And Consumption
The HAnimiSPAC project is about animal welfare in the Baltic Sea region and in the Eastern Pertnership countries. The goal is to strengthen the exchange of experience at the macro-regional level, the joint development of practices, methodology and internationalization potential within the framework of higher education and scientific research.
Data Driven Dairy Decisions for Farmers (4D4F)
The Data Driven Dairy Decisions for Farmers (4D4F) thematic network will focus on the role which dairy animal and environmental sensors can play in collecting real time information to help make more informed decisions in dairy farming. The network will develop a Community of Practice (COP) comprised of farmers, farm advisors, technology suppliers, knowledge exchange professionals and researchers who will work together to debate, collect and communicate best practice drawn from innovative farmers, industry and the research community to facilitate the co-creation of best practice.