


Wild animal behaviour and welfare (keynote speakers Dr. Geoff Hosey and Lea Tummeleht)

Companion animal behaviour and welfare (keynote speaker Dr. Björn Forkman and Prof. Lena Lidfors)

Farm animal behaviour and welfare (keynote speaker Prof. Harry Blokhuis)

Laboratory animal behaviour and welfare (keynote speaker Prof. Adrian Smith


January 28th

11:30 - 12:00 Registration

12:00 – 12:05 Opening of the meeting

12:05 – 12:15 Overview of ISAE

I session: wild animals

12:15 - 13:20 Zoo Animal Welfare: What makes it different – Dr. Geoff Hosey

13:20 - 13:35 Coffee break

13:35 - 14:10 Captive breeding of the European mink (Mustela lutreola) – can training of voluntary sampling improve welfare of female minks? – Lea Tummeleht

14:10 - 14:35 Male neighbour density independently affects stereotypic behaviour and copulatory success in European mink. – M. Díez-León L. Tummeleht, K. Nemvalts, T. Maran

14:35 – 15:00 Does weaning age and mode affect adult male copulatory success in European mink? – K. Kiik, T. Maran, M. Díez-León

15:00 – 15:25 Broiler chicken behaviour in dependence on housing conditions and welfare. – V. Ribikauskas

15:25 – 15:40 Coffee break

15:40 – 16:00 Maternal behaviour in gilts – The effect of genotype, social rearing environment and mixing after weaning. – P. Roulaux, L. Bolhuis, L. M. Hannius, A. Wallenbeck

16:00 – 16:25 Rearing Yorkshire gilts in different social environments – effects on social interaction and general behaviour. – L.M. Hannius, L. Keeling, P. Gullstrand, E. Verbeek, A. Wallenbeck

16:25 – 16:50 Which types of rooting material give weaner pigs most pleasure? M. Ocepek, R. C. Newberry, I-L. Andersen


January 29th

8:30 – 9:00 Registration

II session: laboratory animals

9:00 – 10:05 Design of animal studies: increasing reproducibility and animal welfare. Prof. Adrian Smith

10:05 – 10:30 A discussion of selected challenges to the welfare of cull sows in the Danish pre-slaughter logistic chain. – M. S. Herskin, K. Thodberg

10:30 – 10:55 Behaviour of cull sows kept in lairage at the slaughterhouse. – A. Bonnerup, K. Thodberg, L. Gould, J. Klaaborg, M. S. Herskin

10:55 – 11:10 Coffee break

11:10 – 11:35 Improved pig welfare at slaughter – pigs’ responses to air- or nitrogen foam. – A. Wallenbeck, E. Sindhöj, R. Brattlund Hellgren, C. Berg, C. Lindahl

11:35 – 12:00 Why are cows culled in Estonian Dairy herds? – T. Rilanto, K. Reimus, T. Orro, A. Viltrop, K. Mõtus

12:00 - 13:00 Lunch

III session: farm animals

13:00 - 14:05 Prof. Harry Blokhuis - "Management of farm animal welfare“

14:05 - 14:40 Kadri Kaugerand (Ministry of Rural Affairs) - "Animal welfare legislation in Estonia"

14:40 - 15:15 Hele-Mai Sammel (Veterinary and Food Board) - "Surveillance of animal welfare requirements in Estonia"

15:15 - 15:30 Coffee break

15:30 – 15:55 Implementation of precalving vaccination programme against rotavirus, coronavirus and enterotoxigenic E. coli (F5) and effect on dairy calf survival. – D-A. Viidu, C Kuningas, K Mõtus

15:55 – 16:20 The ethology of turkeys. – R. C. Newberry

16:20 – 16:45 A dustbathing buffet – preference for dustbathing materials in broiler chickens. – R. V. Holt, J. Vas, G. Vasdal, R. C. Newberry

16:45 – 17:10 Effects of a varied light environment on the behaviour of laying hens. – A. Wichman, H. Wall, O. Håstad

19:00 Dinner at Trikster Tihane (Address Kastani 42, Tartu)


January 30th

8:30 - 9:00 Registration

IV session: pet animals

9:00 - 10:05 Dr. Björn Forkman - "Fear and welfare in dogs" 

10:05 - 11:10 Prof. Lena Lidfors - "Animal Assisted Interventions and animal welfare"

11:10 - 11:25 Coffee break

11:25 - 11:50 Sheep housing choices at cool temperatures. – G. Marcone, T. Kaart, P. Piirsalu, I. Nutt, D. R. Arney

11:50 – 12:00 Closing

12:00 - 13:00 Lunch